Art Sketch 1948


Art Sketch 1948

John Francis Knott (1878-1963) was an editorial cartoonist for the . The sketch is the original art work for a cartoon featuring Old Man Texas with caption “Wanted-more and better libraries.” Dallas Morning News


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There are 2 Entities related to this resource.

Knott, John Francis, 1878-1963 (person)

John Francis Knott (1878-1963) was an editorial cartoonist for the Dallas Morning News . From the guide to the Art Sketch 82-341., 1948, (Dolph Briscoe Center for American History, The University of Texas at Austin) John Francis Knott (1878-1963) was an editorial cartoonist for the Dallas Morning News. From the description of Art Sketch, 1948. (University of Texas Libraries). WorldCat record id: 466768508 Epithet: of Add MS 4440 British Libra...

Knott, John Francis-Editorial cartoonist (person)